B.9 Scatter plot with geom_jitter

When there are a lot of overlapping points in a plot, it can also help to use geom_jitter in place of geom_point.

We use geom_jitter to add randomness to the points so that don’t overlap as much. Here we add a little randomness in the vertical direction, and none on the horizontal direction. This is often useful when plotting discrete variables. We include alpha = 0.5 and size = 1 as well, which make the points transparent and smaller.

g = ggplot(d, aes(x = hscore, 
                  y = home))+
  geom_jitter(alpha  = 0.5, 
              size   = 1,  
              height = 0.2, 
              width  = 0.4)

g %>% 
  pub(xlim = c(75, 155))

[1] 85.89991
[1] 80
[1] 20
[1] 185.8999