B.4 ggsave

Use ggsave instead of clicking Export, Save As in R Studio. When using pubtheme choose base_size = 36 and width = 20, as is done in the template. The height = 20 option can be changed if you need to change the dimension of the plot.

## Save to a file
gg = g %>%
  pub(xlim = c(65, 165), 
      ylim = c(65, 165), 
      base_size = 36)
ggsave(filename = paste0("img/", gsub("%", " Perc", title), ".jpg"), 
       plot = gg,
       width  = 20,   ## don't change
       height = 20,   ## ok to change 
       units  = 'in', ## don't change
       dpi = 72)      ## don't change

If using theme_pub, you can use theme_pub(base_size = 36)