Getting started
- Check out this. You can follow the Getting Started steps to start. If they show simple examples of apps, make sure you run them on your machine.
- There is a simple app at
in the GitHub repo. Check that out and play around with it. You’ll have to unzip that and make sure the data is in the same folder as the app. (Note that all files referenced by an app must be contained in the same folder, or in a subfolder of that folder. It is like RMD files in that way.) Then open app.R
in RStudio and click “Run App” in the upper right of the window (where it says “Source” when you have a .R
file or “Run” when you have an .Rmd
file, but with an app.R
file it should say Run App). That should open the app and you can play around with it. You can see what code makes different pieces of the app.
- Familiarize yourself with the cheatsheet. (you can skip the “reactive” section for now)
- Take a look at the Gallery You don’t have to know how to do everything there, but you can familiarize yourself with what is possible.
- Take a look at the Articles page. Same as above: you don’t have to read all of them, but familiarize yourself with what is there.