6.8 Interative map with Leaflet
fuel.type.code station.name
1 ELEC Whole Foods Market
2 ELEC Propark America - Omni Hotel Chapel Square Garage
street.address intersection.directions city state zip
1 350 Grasmere Ave Fairfield CT 06824
2 155 Temple St Located on first floor of garage New Haven CT 06510
station.phone status.code expected.date groups.with.access.code
1 203-319-9544 T 2023-10-23 TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE (Public)
2 203-781-8030 E Public
access.days.time cards.accepted
1 8am-10pm daily; for customer use only; see inside for access
2 24 hours daily; pay lot
lev2 lev3 ev.other.info network ev.network.web geocode.status lat
1 2 0 Non-Networked GPS 41.15792
2 2 0 Non-Networked 200-9 41.30579
lon date.last.confirmed id updated.at owner.type.code
1 -73.24031 2023-04-06 36923 2023-04-06 17:17:01 UTC P
2 -72.92740 2023-05-03 36924 2023-05-03 20:36:28 UTC P
federal.agency.id federal.agency.name open.date ev.connector.types country
1 NA 2011-06-01 J1772 US
2 NA 2010-12-15 J1772 TESLA US
access.code access.detail.code federal.agency.code facility.type ev.pricing
1 public GROCERY Free
2 public PARKING_GARAGE Free
ev.on.site.renewable.source restricted.access rd.blends
1 true <NA>
2 false <NA>
rd.blended.with.biodiesel rd.maximum.biodiesel.level nps.unit.name
1 <NA> NA
2 <NA> NA
maximum.vehicle.class src status lev23 network2 network3
1 LD csv temp.unavail 2 Non-Networked Non-Networked
2 csv avail 2 Non-Networked Non-Networked
1 Non-Networked<br>Whole Foods Market<br>350 Grasmere Ave<br>Fairfield, CT 06824<p>Level 2: 2<br>Level 3: 0
2 Non-Networked<br>Propark America - Omni Hotel Chapel Square Garage<br>155 Temple St<br>New Haven, CT 06510<p>Level 2: 2<br>Level 3: 0
leaflet(data = dg,
height = 480,
width = 800
) %>%
addTiles() %>% ## adds the background map
addCircleMarkers(lng = ~lon, ## add points
lat = ~lat,
radius = 5,
color = 'black',
stroke = FALSE, ## remove the border of the points
label = ~lapply(label, HTML), ## show a label when you hover
popup = ~label,
fillOpacity = 0.5) %>% ## show a label when you click
setView(lng = -72.79458,
lat = 41.51979,
zoom = 9)
This is an interactive map with leaflet
. There are labels that show the EV network, station name, street address, city, state, zip, and the number Level 2 and Level 3 charging stations. The dots are sized by the number of chargers at that location. Since our computer gets slow showing all the points, we are plotting just the locations in CT.