B.3 Formatting with the pubtheme
We can use the pubtheme
package to change the default formatting of our figures. We can copy and paste templates here https://github.com/bmacGTPM/pubtheme and modify them for our data. Here we copy and paste the scatter plot template and change x
to ascore
, y
to hscore
, and edit the axis limits
and the breaks
, which say where the grid line should be. Don’t worry to much about understand all of these options right now, we’ll discuss those in the main text.
title = "Home Team Points vs Away Team Points"
g = ggplot(d, aes(x = ascore,
y = hscore,
color = season.type))+
labs(title = title,
x = 'Away Team Points',
y = 'Home Team Points')+
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(65, 165), breaks = c(65,115,165), oob = squish, labels = comma)+
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(65, 165), breaks = c(65,115,165), oob = squish, labels = comma)+
coord_cartesian(clip = 'off', expand = FALSE)+
scale_size(range = c(2,6))+
We explicitly specified the scale
s and coord_cartesian
above. If you are comfortable accepting the pubtheme
default settings, you can save a lot of typing by using the function pub
, which applies theme_pub
and also automatically adds scale
s and coord
similar to above.
If you are comfortable accepting the pubtheme
default settings, the pub
function can eliminate the need to use the lines with scale_x_continuous
, scale_y_continuous
, coord_cartesian
, scale_size
, theme_pub
, resulting in much more succinct code.
[1] 57.35768
[1] 80
[1] 20
[1] 157.3577